Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Sweet vinyasa flow
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving !
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Gentle Yoga & Guided meditation
Yoga in November & December
Monday, September 1, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
June in the Yoga Room
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Love this! Enjoy!
I worship the religion of self-care because I worship at the altar of well-being. Well-being is our greatest currency in life. Taking care of ourselves is how we put fuel in our tanks. It's doing for ourselves those things that are requested and required by our minds, bodies, hearts, and souls. These four parts of us are communicating with us at all times. If we listen to the whispers within, they'll let us know what we need in order to thrive.
Our inner whispers will advise things like:
1. Nourishing our bodies with nutrition, enzymes, chlorophyll — foods with life force.
2. Moving our bodies via exercise, yoga, hiking, rollerblading, or dance.
3. Getting time to read a book, chill out, or “putter” (meandering aimlessly from task to task, without any particular intended outcome — it's actually great for the soul!).
4. Meditating, the ultimate game-changer when it comes to well-being.
5. Keeping good boundaries with people in our lives, not wasting our time with people who do not uplift us, spending our social time in inspiring company. Thriving also means learning to say “no,” and honoring our limitations of time and energy.
6. Soul fuel can come from our sense of sight. When is the last time you watched the setting sun? Or gazed upon the stars at night? When is the last time you took in the beauty of a museum?
7. How ‘bout smell? The nose knows if you're taking time to smell the roses. Orbreathing in through your nostrils a healing lavender, mint, or grapefruit essential oil fragrance.
8. And what about touch? Are you burying the soles of your feet in some cool green grass, or some powdery white sand? Are you bear-hugging your kids, or preparing a nourishing, flavorful meal with your bare hands?
9. This brings us to taste … are you relishing the deliciousness of your food, delighting in it?
10. And what about sound? Do you treat your ears to beautiful music or listen to water lap against a shore, or tune in when the birds sing or leaves rustle in the wind?
11. In what ways do you engage your sixth sense? As a professional intuitive, the sixth sense is my favorite sense. It connects us to realms invisible and mysterious, realms of greater intelligence and benevolence than that which we occupy here on earth.
Our sixth sense connects us to our divinity, and is akin to our high beams. When we're driving on our life’s road with headlights, only then are we at our best.
With this flood of light illuminating our path, we have more clarity and self-assurance, and less anxiety and fear. That equals better quality of life by far. So dial up your sixth sense and rely upon it!
If you follow the 11 guidelines laid out here, you will facilitate your well-being and you will thrive. Even better, you'll uplift anyone with the good fortune to find themselves in your presence, without saying a word.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Private coaching sessions
Friday, May 23, 2014
Summer Yoga Series
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Yoga Kids class
Tid bits from doyouyoga
Life is too short to keep walking the beaten path. Yoga inspires us to reveal our fears or hesitations so we can grow beyond them into new uncharted potential.
For me, the way yoga has changed my life is that it made me stop holding back my excitement for what I really want to do and experience! Just like going on an adventure, yoga helps us commit to an uncertain outcome with an open heart and open mind.
Be An Explorer, Chart New Territories
When passionate for living life to its fullest you will be transformed or as Pantanjali says in the Yoga Sutras, “When you are inspired by some great purpose all of your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world!”
There is no time to waste. Get inspired by going on an adventure whether it’s close to home or somewhere exotic.
“When you step away you become an explorer charting new territories. You are creating new ways of looking at situations; you innovate at work and at home. It’s impossible to be bored with your life.” -How We Choose to be Happy by Rick Foster and Greg Hicks
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Be Fit! Be You! Delta Classic 5k
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
May in the Yoga room
Friday, April 25, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Friday, April 11, 2014
Class Schedule thru the 29th April
Our Yoga Room!
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Tuesday, April 8th
Friday, April 4, 2014
Have a great weekend
Schedule update
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Gorilla Pose
Here’s a restorative pose to bring back the love into your wonderful being! Gorilla pose, also called Hands to Feet Pose or Padahastasana, will help you calm the mind and bring fresh yummy juices to your brain. This way, you can continue to create with your wonderful ideas, and ultimately, make this world a better place. So let’s dive into it shall we?
Gorilla pose improves circulation in the hands and wrists by temporarily blocking the blood flow with the weight of your feet and body. And when released, it will bring fresh oxygenated blood to the hands and wrists. So this is good to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. This pose stretches the backs of the legs(the hamstrings and calves) helping to lengthen and strengthen those tight muscles. It also give you an opportunity to relax the neck and shoulders. As I mentioned earlier, it aids in relieving stress and mental confusion by bring the head below the heart, giving the brain new oxygenated blood to work with.
- Fold at the hips with your feet hip width apart,
- Bending your knees if necessary, bring the tops of the hands to the floor and palms face the sky, fingers pointing to the back of the room.
- Gently lift your toes and slide your hands under your feet all the way so that the insides of your wrists are kissing the tips of your toes.
- Let your head hang heavy as you begin to bend at the elbows using your arms to actively pull on your feet, naturally straightening your legs. It’s okay if your legs can’t straighten all the way today. In time and with practice, it’ll get there. Don’t force, just love.
- Breathe here for five slow deep breaths. Try not to check out. Focus on every inhale, extend your hips towards the sky and every exhale bend a tiny bit more at the elbows and folding even deeper.
- Gently release the hands from underneath the feet and with your knees slightly bent, slowly come up one vertebrae at a time, chin and head comes up last.
- If it feels good, you can gently shake your head yes and no, relieving any tension in the neck.
- If your legs are straight, start bringing your weight to your toes.
As you can see, my legs are far from straight in the picture above but nevertheless, I still feel the love from lengthening and stretching in the back of my legs. So this is a friendly reminder that wherever you’re at, in every pose, is PERFECT. Some days you’ll reach new lengths and other days you’re back to where you started. It might be different everyday, but that’s TOTALLY fine. Just listen to your body. Don’t force it, just give it the love it deserves.
That’s all I have for you on this pose. I really hope you find it beneficial to add to your daily practice, especially for those of you who spend most of your day at a desk.
Sending love your way!