I worship the religion of self-care because I worship at the altar of well-being. Well-being is our greatest currency in life. Taking care of ourselves is how we put fuel in our tanks. It's doing for ourselves those things that are requested and required by our minds, bodies, hearts, and souls. These four parts of us are communicating with us at all times. If we listen to the whispers within, they'll let us know what we need in order to thrive.
Our inner whispers will advise things like:
1. Nourishing our bodies with nutrition, enzymes, chlorophyll — foods with life force.
2. Moving our bodies via exercise, yoga, hiking, rollerblading, or dance.
3. Getting time to read a book, chill out, or “putter” (meandering aimlessly from task to task, without any particular intended outcome — it's actually great for the soul!).
4. Meditating, the ultimate game-changer when it comes to well-being.
5. Keeping good boundaries with people in our lives, not wasting our time with people who do not uplift us, spending our social time in inspiring company. Thriving also means learning to say “no,” and honoring our limitations of time and energy.
6. Soul fuel can come from our sense of sight. When is the last time you watched the setting sun? Or gazed upon the stars at night? When is the last time you took in the beauty of a museum?
7. How ‘bout smell? The nose knows if you're taking time to smell the roses. Orbreathing in through your nostrils a healing lavender, mint, or grapefruit essential oil fragrance.
8. And what about touch? Are you burying the soles of your feet in some cool green grass, or some powdery white sand? Are you bear-hugging your kids, or preparing a nourishing, flavorful meal with your bare hands?
9. This brings us to taste … are you relishing the deliciousness of your food, delighting in it?
10. And what about sound? Do you treat your ears to beautiful music or listen to water lap against a shore, or tune in when the birds sing or leaves rustle in the wind?
11. In what ways do you engage your sixth sense? As a professional intuitive, the sixth sense is my favorite sense. It connects us to realms invisible and mysterious, realms of greater intelligence and benevolence than that which we occupy here on earth.
Our sixth sense connects us to our divinity, and is akin to our high beams. When we're driving on our life’s road with headlights, only then are we at our best.
With this flood of light illuminating our path, we have more clarity and self-assurance, and less anxiety and fear. That equals better quality of life by far. So dial up your sixth sense and rely upon it!
If you follow the 11 guidelines laid out here, you will facilitate your well-being and you will thrive. Even better, you'll uplift anyone with the good fortune to find themselves in your presence, without saying a word.
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