Monday, April 28, 2014

May in the Yoga room

Do more Yoga and find transformation in your life, one day at a time. Do the asanas, love your practice, accept where you are today knowing that you are on a beautiful journey, unique to you. 
Enjoy spring! Salute the sun! 


Mondays: Zumba w/Chelsea 6pm

Tuesdays: Vinyasa flow/ beginner

Zumba w/Chelsea 6pm

Wednesdays: Classic Yoga ( seniors 55& up) 9-10am 
 Vinyasa flow/beginner 5:15-6:15pm 

Fridays: Kids Yoga (ages 3- 7) 

For add ons to schedule, check here daily and check out our beautiful you yoga Facebook site.

Friday, April 25, 2014


I'm feeling so much gratitude today-- 
The last two weeks have been full of delicious yoga on the mat in the yoga room...
A year ago, I was off to yoga teacher training in Hawaii with Peak Beings...
Eager to learn, turn it all over, find complete stillness and what that meant exactly. ...transforming my life, one hour at a time, on my sits bones, on my mat.. learning the asanas and pranayama ..
Today, I'm teaching it one hour, one class at a time. Still craving more, I yearn to learn more, furthering my studies. I run this marathon everyday that we call life..raising two beautiful girls, running three small businesses from home, managing our kennel of 50 + huskies.. and keeping it all running keeps me on top of my game and in the now. Being fully present and feeling total gratitude for this abundance. 

Yoga is a beautiful solution to any dis-ease, mental or physical health issues. 
After an hour of yoga, you will feel more balanced, calm and centered. 
Yoga breath connects the mind to the body. 

Yoga is unity...mindful living, kindness and truth, fitness and flexibility, longevity with grace.

Live fully. Be you, be fit with beautiful you yoga. 


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

Class Schedule thru the 29th April

BEAUTIFUL YOU YOGA IN THE YOGA ROOM!! COME CHECK US OUT! Saturday 4/12 Beginner Yoga 9:30-10:30am Kids yoga (ages 3-6) 12pm-1pm Monday 4/14 ZUMBA with Chelsea 6pm 4/21 ZUMBA W/Chelsea 6:00pm 4/22 Beginner Yoga 5:15-6:15pm Zumba with Chelsea 6pm 4/24 Beginner Yoga 5:15-6:15pm 4/26 Kids Yoga (age 3-6)10:30-11:30am 4/28 Zumba with Chelsea 6:00pm 4/29 Beginner Yoga 9:30-10:30am Meditation and Gentle Stretching 11:30am-12:30pm Zumba with Chelsea 6pm

Our Yoga Room!

We've been open since Tuesday and we've had a great week! Back to back yoga classes for adults and Friday and Saturday classes for kids! 

The Yoga room is a place to come as you are, leaving any limiting thoughts and worries and stress behind..
Come to the yoga room to relax, stretch, flex, extend...

What brings us to the mat day after day after day? 

What's our intention? Are we working on developing a practice we feel good about? What changes do we need to make in our life? Are we on the right path? Is my heart open? These are all questions unique to you...and me! 
No two hearts and minds alike!
You are unique and that's a beautiful thing. 

 In the Yoga room, Beautiful You Yoga honors all those questions, giving you a special hour to be with yourself & your mat. Namaste! 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tuesday, April 8th

Doors open at 9:00am! Please stop by a little early so you can fill out my health questionaire/release forms and look at our punch card options to save you $$ on classes! We accept cash or check at this the future, we will be accepting all major credit cards. Shoes & socks off prior to class --you'll see the rug runner outside our door:) Oh, we have a fun day planned at the yoga room! We are excited! Beginner Yoga class starts at 9:30am Vinyasa Flow starts at 11:15am Aerobic Dance starts at 4:00pm with Heather Magee Come as you are and be ready to stretch, bend and experience something new. Please wear comfy cloths and don't forget your water bottles. As we move into spring, let's embrace change. namaste, Zoya

Friday, April 4, 2014

Have a great weekend

May the long time sun shine upon you, All love surround you, and the pure light within your way on.


Schedule update

Doors open and classes begin Tuesday, starting with Beginner Yoga! 9:30-10:30am

Feel free to email or call with questions. 

Meet you on the mat! Have a beautiful weekend. 
